Emerging Trends & Innovation – Project Volunteer Board
Welcome! |
Interested in joining one of the Emerging Trends & Innovation Working Group Projects? The projects below welcome new volunteers. |
AI/ML in Digital Health Technologies (DHTs) – Started Q4 2023 | |
Project Scope: The use cases of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) in digital health technologies to improve healthcare through software. Understand the challenges, and identify the gaps. Connect different stakeholders, share knowledge, and advance in developing AI/ML in DHTs. | Current Status:
Regular Project Meeting Day/Time:
Key Skills: (currently being reviewed by WG Leads)
Investigating the Use of FHIR in Clinical Research – Started Q1 2021 | |
Project Scope: Increasing interest in eSource keeps the issue of data integration between Research Systems (EDC, CTMS, CDMS, etc) and healthcare systems (EHR, etc) as a consistent want for Sponsors of Clinical Investigators and Regulators. Previous efforts to make this a repeatable, scalable solution have not met with wide-scale adoption, for a variety of reasons. Some common historical points of view have included:
Many of these issues are on the path to being resolved; government programs have pushed the adoption and accessibility of electronic health records. In addition, there are a number of stakeholders in the Research Industry that are making the use of healthcare resources a priority for the future; examples include Transcelerate eSource initiative and HL7 Vulcan Accelerator. | Current Status:
Regular Project Meeting Day/Time:
Key Skills: (currently being reviewed by WG Leads)